London South West Maths Hub

Cross Phase - Supporting Students to Achieve L2

Secondary and Post-16


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Cross Phase – Supporting Students to Achieve a L2 Qualification in Mathematics
Identify and meet the needs of students continuing L2 study at post-16
This is for teachers whose students will study Level 2 maths across secondary and post-16. Teachers of Years 10 and 11, and of post-16 GCSE Maths resit and/or Functional Skills Maths, will develop ways to support students who need to study maths beyond age 16 to achieve a L2 qualification.
Work Groups will focus on developing transferable teaching techniques aligned to teaching for mastery. Participants will attend three full-day workshops and complete practice-based tasks between sessions.
What will you learn?
  • Your students will demonstrate a positive attitude to maths
  • You will ensure that lesson design and pedagogy demonstrate a secure knowledge of curriculum continuity and sequencing
  • You will understand the importance of consistency of language and representations relating to specific curriculum areas
  • You and your colleagues will make collaboration a normal part of transition, supporting students continuing to work towards a L2 maths qualification
Who can take part?
This is for teachers of GCSE Maths, and for those teaching GCSE Maths resit and/or Functional Skills Maths. Participants may be based in secondary schools, UTCs, FE colleges, Sixth Form colleges, schools with post-16 provision, or other post-16 settings.
There will be the equivalent of 3 days in total for this Work Group that will be spread over the year. 
What is the cost?
The Cross Phase – Supporting Students to Achieve a L2 Qualification in Mathematics project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to state-funded participating schools/colleges.

Get in touch
Please contact us if you are interested and would like more information.


If you wish to be included on the list for the next cohort starting in 2024/25, please complete the Express an Interest form.