Develop mathematical subject knowledge and understand the pedagogy that underpins the teaching of it
Whilst recognising the requirements of the Early Career Framework, this programme provides a subject-specific focus for the ECT that enhances the statutory offer, with a focus on the teaching of maths. This is situated in the context of two core mathematical concepts: Multiplicative reasoning, and Sequences and graphical representations.
The programme will build on the knowledge gained during initial teacher training. It focuses, for two years, on the key elements of observing learning, task design, lesson design and adapting teaching.
What are the benefits?
Your students will reason with increasing confidence in response to effective questioning within the classroom
You will consider task and lesson design, with your students’ needs in mind
You will notice aspects of teaching for mastery within a given task or lesson, and be able to articulate their purpose
Quotes from previous participants:
“Participation in this group has helped me become more thoughtful and skilled in lesson planning.”
“My planning and task creating skills have improved.”
“Enjoyed discussing resources - this isn't something that we were able to do much of during our PGCE and teaching”
“Group discussions, strategies shared by other teachers and pedagogy.”
“I found the sessions very interesting and enlightening, and I think multiplicative reasoning should be applied and taught more in secondary classrooms.”
“Really enjoyed it, gave me a lot of food for thought and I have been thinking about multiplicative reasoning a lot in my lessons.”
“I find the discussions with other maths teachers about mastery extremely helpful and like to implement them into my practice.”
“I feel that I am much more confident with introducing mastery in my lessons and to give advice on how to use mastery with other colleagues”
Who can take part?
This programme is designed for secondary early career teachers (those in their first or second year of teaching).
What is the cost?
The SKTM – Secondary Early Career Teacher programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to state-funded participating schools.
Dates and timings
Sessions are all day and run from 10am - 4pm
Thursday 28th November 2024
Tuesday 4th February 2025
Friday 28th March 2025
Wednesday 21st May 2025