Early Years

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Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Programmes - Early Years
Develop mathematical subject knowledge and pedagogy
What is involved?
This programme is designed to improve the subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge for all practitioners teaching and supporting the learning of early maths. Professional learning and practice development continue throughout, with participants introducing new ideas into their daily practice.
Who can take part?
This project is for Early Years teachers who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths to Reception pupils. It may be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or have not received maths-specific training.
Click here for more information
Mastering Number at Reception and KS1
Supporting pupils to develop good number sense
A national programme now in its third year, offers schools that have not previously been involved in Mastering Number the opportunity to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.
Click here for more information
Mastering Number Embedding the Impact Community
Support for schools that have already engaged in Mastering Number
This community is open to all 2023/24 Mastering Number schools who are engaged in a 2024/25 Teaching for Mastery Work Group (or have a formal expression of interest in working with the hub on teaching for mastery in future years). It is also open to schools who engaged in Mastering Number 2022/23 who have not previously engaged in this community.
One nominated Lead Teacher will receive support to make Mastering Number a permanent element of the school curriculum. The Lead Teacher will engage in an online learning community and have continued access to all teaching materials, recording of central sessions, and sample teaching videos.