London South West Maths Hub


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Local Leaders of Mathematics Education (LLME) Community
A professional learning community for local leaders of maths education (LLME) who lead hub work


The Maths Hub LLME Community consists of every leader of Maths Hub activity in the hub area. This includes Maths Hub Leads, Assistant Maths Hub Leads, Cohort Leads, Work Group Leads and Mastery Specialist Teachers who support the work of the hub. These professionals could have other roles such as SLEs or PD Leads, but they will be working directly with the hub in the roles outlined.
What is involved?
This project enables those LLME who lead hub work to join a local professional learning community. Participants will be well-supported, developed and strengthened for their role within the Maths Hub and wider network.
Participants will attend several LLME collaborative events, spread across the academic year and equating to three days of time. There will be opportunities to connect with the community of local leaders of maths education, and build wider professional relationships. LLME will also learn and work together, to further develop expertise in maths pedagogy, leading maths professional development, and leading school development in maths.
What will you learn?
  • You will have the opportunity to connect with your community and build wider professional relationships
  • You will further develop your expertise in leading maths pedagogy, maths professional development, and school development in maths
  • You will have your thinking constructively challenged and develop new ideas, including through critical engagement with research
  • You will deepen your own understanding of how teachers learn and develop
What is the cost?
The LLME Communities project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participants and their schools.
London South West Maths Hub LLME dates (times and location tbc)
Monday 7th October 2024
Friday 24th January 2025
Wednesday 2nd July 2025