London South West Maths Hub

Effective and appropriate Early Years mathematics pedagogy

Effective and appropriate Early Years mathematics pedagogy


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This project will equip you to identify, understand, observe and trial the key features involved in designing effective practice for Early Years mathematics.  The focus will be on what effective EY maths pedagogy is and how this develops into a ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach in later years.


Children learn by making sense of mathematics and by constructing networks of understanding. Encouraging them to find their own ways of expressing what they have learned, practically or verbally, through gesture, drawing, symbolising and writing, allows them to make these connections, communicate with others and so deepen their understanding", Sue Gifford (NRICH, 2018).



School based practitioners who are in their first few years of teaching in the Early Years or who have recently moved into Nursery or Reception.  Also teachers looking for time to examine their own practice and strengthen where necessary.


Day 1: Wednesday 28th November 2018 (09.00 – 15.00)

Day 2: Wednesday 23rd January 2019 (09.00 – 15.00)

Day 3: Wednesday 27th March 2019 (09.00 – 15.00)


As this is a working group, participants are expected to develop their own practice, work closely with their co-participant and keep a reflective journal.


Location: Ravenstone Primary School, Ravenstone Street, Balham, London SW12 9SS


Work Group Lead: Simon Lewis


Cost: FREE