Effective and appropriate Early Years mathematics
This project will equip you to identify, understand, observe and trial the key features involved in designing effective practice for Early Years mathematics. The focus will be on what effective EY maths pedagogy is and how this develops into a ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach in later years.
Teachers’ will:
1) Identify what is effective EY maths pedagogy
2) Know the progression within cardinality, composition and subitising
3) Know how to scaffold children’s learning for the Teaching for Mastery approach
Day 1: Wednesday 30th January 2019 (9.00- 3.00)
Pedagogy, Curriculum, Counting and cardinality
Day 2: Tuesday 5th March 2019 (9.00- 3.00)
Subitsing, Free recording, Language development
Day 3: Monday 29th April 2019 (9.00- 13.00)
Exploring main themes
- School based practitioners who are in their first few years of teaching in the Early Years or who have recently moved into Nursery or Reception
- Schools who have adopted a Teaching for mastery approach
As this is a working group, participants are expected to develop their own practice, work closely with their co-participant and keep a reflective journal.
Location: Belleville Primary School, Meteor Street, London SW11 5NZ
Work Group Lead: Laura Britten (Reception Leader)
Cost: FREE
Please contact Hub Administrator on admin@londonsouthwestmathshub.co.uk to request a place.