London South West Maths Hub


Supporting SEND pupils in a Mastery context

Supporting SEND pupils in a Mastery context


Aimed at Primary and Secondary schools implementing a Teaching for Mastery (TfM) approach in their mathematics lessons, this is an opportunity for SENCo's and teachers of Maths to work together in order to develop the progress of their SEND pupils.


Teachers’ will: 

  • Develop a better understanding of Maths Difficulties, including Dyscalculia.
  • Use a case study pupil to consider the graduated response to SEND.
  • Consider how quality first teaching can address the needs of struggling learners and appropriate interventions, if needed.
  • Collaborate to produce a guidance document for schools within the Hub.



SENCos working together with Maths subject leaders/teachers of Maths.


Session 1: 4th December  (09.00-15.30)

Clarifying understanding on Maths Difficulties/Maths Mastery/Graduated response to SEND


Session 2: 10th January (13.30 – 16.00)

Meeting the needs of struggling learners through Quality First Teaching


Day 3: 31st January 2019 (09.00-12.00) at Chesterton Promary School, Wandsworth

Strategies for Tier 2/assessing the specific needs of students


Day 4: 18th March 2019 (13.30 - 16.00) at Chesterton Promary School, Wandsworth

Evaluating the project/Next steps


Additional information gap tasks etc.

Participants will have an opportunity to discuss best practice, co-create materials and then develop practice back in school. Gap tasks will include observing, assessing, planning for and evaluating the progress of their case study pupil.


Location: Wandsworth Professional Development Centre (initial session) + participants’ schools.

Work Group Lead: Janet Goring

Cost: FREE   


Contact Hub Administrator Lesley Dibbens  to express an interest in participating in this Work Group.