London South West Maths Hub

Effective approaches to problem-solving

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Effective approaches to problem-solving - from fluency to flair 

(Research and Innovation Work Group)


The work group utilises many aspects of the teaching for mastery programme, coherence and curriculum design in particular. Where the TfM programme focuses on subject knowledge e.g. number) it is hard to isolate a discrete emphasis on the development of generic problem solving thinking skills. The work group approach mirrors others as the joint sessions will provide inspiration, guidance and reflection for the work back in schools with pupils. Participants would be selected for schools who have embedded a TfM approach already, and are able to build on their skills in applying the approach to problem solving.
Participants will:
  • Carry out gaps analyses to identify children whose levels of fluency are ‘at odds’ with their ability to apply this in creative ways
  • Trial and share practice to address the needs of these pupils
  • Explore, unpick and develop approaches for teaching problem solving – both in synchronous participant sessions and in class
  • Share best practice at LA subject leader network meeting
Who can apply?
Class teachers in KS1 and KS2 based in Wandsworth.
What is the cost?
The Work Group is funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.